
As a creator I know the value of talking to your audience, sharing what you are working on and that fancy new feature you took 3 months to create.

Email newsletters are hugely underrated as a way to reach your audience. We always see these stories of how they grew their business by X with a newsletter. The marketing folks will always tell us to have a newsletter and send it to the list. But it can be a challenge. There are a lot of pitfalls out there when finding an app to send newsletters and a lot of things you need to consider.

I already had an email system. Mailgun in my case. I was using Mailgun to send my transaction emails, I had done all the setup and configuration and was really happy with them. So could why couldn’t send newsletters with Mailgun?

So I created Audience to connect to Mailgun and send my email newsletter. I was able to create the list in Audience, take my newsletter and schedule it. It was sent with Mailgun using the same email setup I had for my transaction emails.

Plus another big trap is the price, a lot of the email tools will have really generous free plans, send to X amount for free. But when you grow you’re list beyond that free plan the price rise can be really steep and for a lot of businesses that comes out of the bottom line.

But if I use my own email system, it is far more affordable. Yes I don’t have a free plan but as I grow the newsletter I don’t have to worry about a steep price. I can focus on the content.

Soon after I got Mailgun up and running, I added AWS SES and Sendgrid support to Audience. SMTP support is on the way too.